Our Speech Pathologists are currently seeing clients online! While we seem to have found ourselves at a unique time in the world where the fantastic goals of improving systems and moving online has suddenly become a fact of necessity, there are many rapid changes that we all need to keep track of! Regardless, here at The Speechie Spot, we are beyond grateful for our client’s understanding and for established and reliable systems like Zoom.
Zoom is the online video conferencing portal where our Speechies are currently meeting with their clients (as young as 2yrs!) with great success!
Our Speechie, Hailie has gathered her Technical Tips for using Zoom at home:
• Do I have to download the app?
o If you are connecting via phone or a tablet device, the website will direct you to download the app and it is encouraged to do so. However, you should be able to connect from the website when you’re on alaptop/computer.
My audio is not working
o Ensure the speaker/microphone is not on mute. If you see the muted icon in the meeting controls, tap it to unmute yourself.
o Try using earphones with a microphone.
o Ensure Zoom has access to your device’s microphone.
o Ensure no other applications are using the microphone at the same time
How to send help to the clinician when the audio/video is not working
o You can type in and send a message to your clinician by clicking the chat icon in the meeting control at the bottom. If this doesn’t appear to be working also, contact the clinician via email.
My video is not working
o Check if the camera/video is disabled with a red cross on the icon in the meeting control. Tap the icon to enable the camera.
o Ensure Zoom has access to your device’s camera.
• Please refer to Zoom Help Centre for further troubleshooting inquiries
Practical Tips for Parents:
• Get familiar with the video conferencing software. Children may often present differently compared to online vs face-to-face sessions. It’s important as parents to not be stressed, instead, have a practice run-through with a child to increase the familiarity. This may prevent overwhelming the child from too many changes in the session.
• It’s okay if our little ones aren’t focusing well on the screen. We want to encourage and enhance the child-parent interaction and the clinician is there to support.
• Set up an environment to help the child to focus during the online session. This may involve reducingdistractions by putting visible toys away, being separated by other family members, and controlling the noise in the house/room.
• If the child appears to be not engaging well, use their favourite food, toy, or game as a reward to be given after the session to increase their motivation and engagement.
• Be an active supporter. Help the child to actively participate and follow the clinician’s instructions. Try not to correct the child, but support them to achieve the targets by providing encouragement and feedback. The clinician will be providing further information about how to support the child in the session.
• Getting actively involved in sessions is a great opportunity to observe and learn the cues and strategies used by the clinicians, and apply them in the home-environment as well.
• Preparing resources required before the session starts. If there is specific equipment required such as a cup, pen,and paper, etc., the clinician will contact the parent via email at least a day before the session.
• Telepractice is new for everyone. Let’s give it a go, see,and adjust together!
• Don’t hesitate to ask questions!